Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Skyfire is a new proxy browser for mobile smartphones. The Skyfire application itself isn't a full browser. Instead, big Skyfire servers elsewhere process Web pages, including all the media and browser formats--like Flash, Java, and Ajax--that a normal desktop browser would handle but that most phones can't. Then it streams data to phones, which the mobile half of Skyfire displays. To the end user, it looks like a browser, but the mobile application is just one part of the product.

Although I think that proxied browsing is the right solution for mobile devices, I am not convinced that there's a solid business behind it. Not to mention that the possibility of the Skyfire server getting bogged down by users exists, which completely nullifies the idea behind using a proxy browser; to not bog down the phone.

Perhaps with improved technology we may see this market expand for new media interaction.

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